It is Valentine's day so we were wondering with whom people like to spend this special day. A British suervey revealed that 72% of the riding women would rather go out for a ride on their horse than spend the day with their partner. A total of 33% of the riders claimed they would be getting their horse a Valentine's gift! Time to ask our readers with whom/what they would like to spend their Valentine's Day.
In a Facebook survey (made by our redactors) and a personal approach of people our small survey showed us that most of the riders did not choose their horse above a famous rider. Certainly Dirk Demeersman, Jules Van Roosbroeck, Olivier Philippaerts and Malin Baryard Johnsson won't have a problem in finding their Valentine's partner. Strange enough also equnews.be editor Kristof de Pauw and equnews.be-riders Bram Van Hulle, Damien Haelterman and Leen Geysen were one of the favorits...
When asked what would be their perfect Valentine’s gift, not one respondent asked for the standard sexy underwear, box of chocolates or bunch of roses, with many preferring a comfy pair of jodhpurs. Although the ultimate gift still is .... a horse.
source: equnews.be