"Together with Zangersheide we have decided to withdraw Cicero Z from active breeding. After his injury, which ended his sports career in 2013, Cicero was welcomed with open arms at the Zangersheide domain, where he has been available to breeders since the end of the 2014 breeding season."

"For eight years Cicero has served the numerous breeders with pleasure and success. Although he is still in great shape mentally and even physically, his injured leg is increasingly bothering him.Out of unconditional love and with the greatest respect for our dear Cicero, it was therefore decided to no longer make him available with fresh semen."

In his sportive career, the stallion jumped up to the highest level with Belgium's Dirk Demeersman. The stallion who is approved for the  AES, BWP, sBs, SF and Zangersheide studbook has over 2000 offspring, amongst others. Fenia van Klapscheut, Ciska van Paemel Z, Dirka des Brumes, Eristov and Icos.

Ph. © Cicero Z Van Paemel/Press release