In the Grand Prix the win went to British rider William Funnell and Equine America Billy Diamo. He was without penalties in the jump-off with a time of 41.79. Brazilian Felipe Amaral en Germanico T follow in 42.42. With Joseph Stockdale in the saddle of Equine America Cacharel following  in 42.94, two of the three medals went to the UK. 

French Leona Mermillod Baron and Chanel de la Claye are also without penalites, finishing in 43.91 and therefor in fourth place. Italian Emanuele Camilli with Chaccrouet close, again without penalites, with a time of 44.70 the top five. 

The course over two phases was a course with a height of 1.30. Swiss rider Laura Vonwyl and Harvey VII CH complete the two fases without mistakes and with a time of 28.90. Elissa Valentina Bottoli and Ivana AMB did that too, but with a time of 30.04. Fabio Crotta with Carressa Z came in third in 30.66, keeping  Alexander Kumps off the stage, finishing with Galliano van het Gravenhof  in 31.90. Last place in the top five was for Benjamin Palatsi with Carat 120. 
