Winner of the last class today was Peder Fredricson. With Catch Me Not S (Cardento 933) he jumped a clear round in the jump-off and finished in 34.66, taking home the biggest amount of Longines Ranking-points. 

Julien Epaillard follows with Calgary Tame (Old Chap Tame) in second place. With a clear 34.87 he stays in front of Maikel van der Vleuten and Elwikke (Eldorado van de Zeshoek), completing the stage. 

In fourth place we find Jos Verlooy and Varoune (Verdi TN) finsihing in 38.93. Ludger Beerbaum with Cool Feeling (Cornado Nrw) complete the top five by finishing in 42.40. 

On six we see Carlos Enrique Lopez Lizarazo with Evita SG Z (Verdi Tn), Nicolas Delmotte and Ilex VP (Diamant de Semilly) on seven, Edward Levy in the saddle of Uno de Cerisy (Open Up Semilly) on eight and Zoe Osterhoff with Ferrari VDL (Cardento 333) on 9. Simon Delestre closes the top ten with Chesall Zimequest (Casallà). 
