Bucci rode a dubbel clear round on the back of Centuria 7 (by Dobel's Cento) in 36.35 seconds. Just a little slower was the German David Will with under the saddle Veneno (by Chacco-Blue) in 36.83 seconds. Sharing this spot was another German rider, also with a Chacco-Blue offspring, Gerrit Nieberg and Chactus. 

The Irish rider Sophie Dalm came into the arena with Remake Lande (by Hym D'Isigny*lassergut) and stopped the clock on 37.44 seconds. Followed by Sofia Westborg with Dasca van het Vijverbos (by Asca Z) in 39.97 seconds and Laura Kraut with Casco Bay (by Quaprice Bois Margot). 

Click here for all the results.

In the CSI1* 1m10 it was the Brazilian Ana Eliza Aguiar Ramos that had the fastest clear round. On the back of Edwina Imperio Egipcio (by Sandro Hit) they went over the finish in 37.76 seconds. In second place ended Franck Vandereyken with Da Vita de Septon (by Verdi) in 38.81 seconds. The top three was completed by Caitlin Teunissen on the back of Zephyr S (by Mermus R) in 39.34 seconds. 

Click here for all the results.