The first place in the Grand Prix for the Longines Ranking 1m50 today went to Mariano Martinez Bastida with Belano Vd Wijnhoeve Z (by Berlin) with 34.56 seconds.
Second place went to the Belgian, Lieven Devos. Devos rode a clear round in 37.29 seconds during the jump-off together with Inca's Big Think (by Think Big from TL). Niall Talbot was third with Fts Elliot (by Cicero Z Van Paemel) in 37.47 seconds.
Fourth place went to Filipe Malta Da Costa with Iwan B (by Starpower) with 38.08 seconds. Fifth place went to Sergio Alvarez Moya with Alamo (by Ukato) with 38.21 seconds.
The Bronze Tour Final 1m40 was won by Colombe Clair with Bugatti du Soleil (by Diarado) with 44.79 seconds. Lucca Meyer was second on Convoi's Gipsy (by Covoi) with 45.03 seconds. Third place went to Blanca Gil Olive with Entar de La Vigne (by l'Arc de Triomphe) with 45.32 seconds.
Fourth and fifth place went to Edouard Le Boux with Bellator du Lys (by Quaprice Boimargot Quincy) and Natascha Hewitt with Hirence (by Inshallah de Muze).