"It's my first time in Dinard. I'm loving it here! Usually I'm based in Florida, but I'm in Europe this summer and will return in september." - he said.

Busca Roca had a time of 160.49 and beat Franse homerider Emeric George. George and Dune du Ru (Vagabond de la Pomme) finished the course in 163.93. 

Steve Guerdat finishes with Double Jeu D'honvault (Kannan) in 167.46 and completes the stage. 

Fourth place goes to Katherine A. Dinan, in the saddle of Atika des Hauts Vents (Rock 'n Roll). They were the fourth clear combination, with a time of 175.76.

Fifth place goes to Thomas Rousseau.  He finished with Udson de Jauzif in 159.98, but had four faults.


Copyright Foto: Sharon Schwing for Equnews