"In the meanwhile, I try to stay busy at home. I'm riding seven to eight horses each day. Not very much but I just want to keep them working. I however don't want to train too much or too intensive since nobody knows when this situation is going to end. I think nation competitions will be able to start earlier than international ones but when that will be? It can be June, it could be August, we just don't know. The only thing we can do right now is follow the measures governments are taking". 

His top horses get some rest right now: "I'm mostly working the younger horses now. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to train your older, more experienced horses right now. Only when we know when shows will be starting again, we can pick up training. I think this longer break can be beneficial for some horses. I hope that they will be as excited as I am when we can start again". 

Source: Studforlife