The super fast rider Julien Epaillard has just won the first CSI5* class of the day. The Grand Prix will be ridden later on today; This class was a class that was ridden in two phases.
Epaillard kept the zero on the score board and finished in 37,84 seconds. They counted on Virtuose Champeix (f. Rubin des Bruyeres) to clear the course. The second place went to Jerome Guery. He jumped a clear round in the saddloe of Eras St Hermelle (f. Vargas de Ste Hermelle) and finished in 38.00 seconds. Simon Delestere and Chesall Zimequest (v. Casall) ended third.
Christian Ahlmann and Solid Gold Z (f. Stakkato Gold) and Steve Guerdat (Tum Play du Jouas) completed the top five.