Frans van der Linden passed away

Frans van der Linden passed away

The Dutch breeder, Frans van der Linden has passed away at 84 years old. Van der Linden was the breeder of the KWPN approved stallions,  BAcardi VDL (Corland x Kannan) and eveneens Apardi

Van der Linden bred about 70 horses, mostly based out of the damline of his mare Nupardi. Mostly the Dutch breeder was known for the breeding of his approved stallions, Aparid (Corland) who competed at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro with Daniel Bloemand and his full brother, Bacardi VDL.

Bacardi VDL impressed as a seven-year-old with Jos Lansink at the World Championships for young showjumping horses in Lanaken and after moved to Janika Sprunger.

Our condolences to the family and friends.

source: KWPN