Michael Duffy, hailing from Ireland, emerged as the champion of Miami Beach. Riding Claptonn Mouche (Conrad), Duffy delivered a flawless performance, navigating the demanding 1.60m course faultlessly. His exceptional ride...
In awaiting for the Global Champions Tour to burst loose, the international riders kicked off on Thursday in the CSI5* 1.40m class where Luiz Francisco de Azevedo took home the...
After qualifying through twelve Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ Leagues and Sub-Leagues across the globe, the world’s best athletes will meet in the Saudi capital for the season finale from...
Future Star Auction has redoubled its efforts to find the best collection for you; in this Spring Collection, you will definitely find your future star.
The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) has announced a temporary pause in updates regarding the FEI Tack, Equipment & Dress Database (FEI Tack App) before the Olympic & Paralympic Games in...
The prestigious CDIO Aachen, known as the oldest international dressage competition, is making a remarkable decision by no longer organizing an FEI Dressage Nations' Cup in 2024. Since 2013, Aachen's...
Thursdayevening of week six of the Sunshine Tour in Vejer de La Frontera, Spain, came to an end with a victory for Eiken Sato (JPN) aboard of Melypso Blue PS...
The first CSI5* class of the day in 's Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, was the 1.45m Borek Prize Table A against the clock. Home rider Frank Schuttert had to share his...
The rain made the organisation of the Sunshine Tour cancel most of Saturday's classes but all was well again on Sunday. In the CSI4* 1.50m Medium Tour Grand Prix, local...
On Saturday evening, the Dutch Masters at the Brabanthallen concluded with the CSI5* 1.55m Audi Prize. The competition clearly separated the wheat from the chaff as only three riders remained...