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Leslie Burr-Howard wins Grand Prix of Tryon

The American lady rider Leslie Burr-Howard has won the Grand Prix of Tryon in the saddle of the KWPN mare Donna Speciale (f. Cavalier).

Decision about the Olympics will be made in March 2021

We will only know in the spring of 2021 if the Olympics of can take place or not. The Japanse vice Minister Toshikai Endo stated on television.

The Netherlands and the UK will battle it out in online Grand Prix

CDIO Hickstead and CHIO Rotterdam both cancelled their editions of 2020 due to the Corona outbreak. The two shows will however work together for an online edition. 

Isabell Werth beats all competition in Grand Prix Special

Yesterday she still had to share her victory with Benjamin Werndl but today the German top rider Isabell Werth rode solo to the victory in the Grand Prix Special of...

Sue Blinks lost Robin Hood at the age of 22

Sue Blinks, an American Grand Prix rider, has lost her 22-year old Robin Hood (f. Zep). 

Good day for Benjamin Wulschner in Westergellersen

Yesterday once again four different classes were jumped in Westergellersen. Once again it were the German riders who ruled the show.

End of sponsordeal with Longines could be the end of Paris Masters

Since sponsor Longines has pulled back, it is not sure whether the Paris Masters can take place at all this year. Normally the competition would take place in December. 

Operation for Lauren Hough after accident

The American rider Lauren Hough has announced on her social media that the operation of her shoulder went well.

Werndl and Werth both win Grand Prix of Hagen

Isabell Werth and Benjamin Werndl both won the Grand Prix in Hagen. Both combinations got a total score of 77,567%. 

Victories for Muente, Jelcic, Runge and Böhe in Westergellersen

Yesterday once again four different classes were jumped in Westergellersen, Germany.