Anton, the retired Grand Prix horse of Belinda Trussell has passed away

Anton, the retired Grand Prix horse of Belinda Trussell has passed away

Canadian Olympian Belinda Trussell recently bid farewell to her amazing companion and dressage partner, Anton. The 24-year-old retired Grand Prix horse has passed away, leaving behind a legacy cherished by many.

Anton, originally named Antonello, commenced his sporting journey in Germany at the tender age of three. Under the guidance of various riders, including Ivonne Kropf and Antje Schöniger, he began showcasing his talent in L-level and M-level tests. Bred by Mirko Glotz, Anton's early years laid the foundation for his remarkable future.

In a significant transition, Anton found his way to Canada under the ownership of Robyn Eames and Mark Trussell. It was here that Belinda Trussell took the reins, nurturing Anton's development and guiding him to the pinnacle of dressage excellence.

Trussell and Anton's partnership grew as they ascended through the ranks of dressage competition. From their debut at third level in 2007 to their triumphs at international events such as the CDI Blainville, their journey was marked by dedication and success. By 2010, they had become Canada's premier Grand Prix pair, representing their country with distinction at the World Equestrian Games.

Despite facing a career-threatening injury between 2012 and 2014, Anton's resilience and Trussell's commitment saw them through. Their triumphant return to the show ring, highlighted by a silver medal at the 2015 Pan American Games, exemplified their indomitable spirit.

In 2016, Trussell and Anton etched their names in Canadian equestrian history, setting a national record at the CDI-W Wellington. Their crowning achievement came with a memorable appearance at the Rio Olympics, solidifying their status as an ecredible duo.

Following a distinguished career in high-performance sport, Anton transitioned into a role as a beloved schoolmaster. Guiding young riders like Abbey Simbrow, he continued to impart his wisdom and grace, leaving an indelible mark on all who crossed his path.

Trussell honored his memory in a video shared on social media, where she reflectes on their bond and the lessons learned, she expressed gratitude for his spirit and enduring legacy.

source: Eurodressage