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An overview of the Grand Prix winners of the weekend

This weekend was another busy one for international show jumping. But who won which Grand Prix? A handy overview! 

The balance after five months: these riders earned the most in the first months of 2021

The year is halfway over and although the competition has been halted for a while due to the rhinovirus, several riders have already managed to collect a lot of prize...

A handy overview of this weekend's Grand Prix winners

This weekend was another busy one for international show jumping. Have you lost track of the Grand Prix winners? Don't worry, we got you covered! 

An overview of the Grand Prix winners of the weekend

This weekend there were many international competitions. Below is an overview of the Grand Prix winners. 

An overview of the Grand Prix winners of the weekend

This weekend was another busy one for jumping at international level. Who were the Grand Prix winners of the weekend? We would like to give you an overview! 

These tips will help you improve your posture and seat

A good seat is not self-evident and is at least as important as the posture of your horse. In order to allow your horse to move optimally and to use...

Combining top sport with University: the story of Eve Jobs

Combining your studies with sport at the highest level: it seems almost impossible. Eve Jobs, the youngest daughter of Steve Jobs, proves however that it is possible: "It's all about...

Forbes Alert! Are there any horse owners on the list?

Yesterday the new Forbes list was published. This list lists the richest people in the world. At number one is Jeff Bezos, who heads Amazon. But are there also 'horse...

Franke Sloothaak teaches how to train distances

As the sport is ready to start again, in Europe's mainland, the team of has collected some of the best trainings with topriders and trainers. Today training distances with Franke Sloothaak.

An overview of this weekend's Grand Prix winners

This weekend there was jumping only in Wellington. Both a CSI2* and a CSI4* Grand Prix were organized. Below is an overview of the top five in both Grand Prix!