"As I do a lot of business in the industry and I'm here to work with my students, like Daniel Coyle, I'm actually very motivated to be here. The main reason however, I am in Wellington, is to look out for new horses." admits Dubbeldam.

You also need a bit of intelligence...

Looking back to the Grand Prix of last year, when McLain Ward won, Dubbeldam reveals the perfect qualities one needs to become a top rider. "Competing against McLain Ward is very hard. He's not just an incredible good rider, but also very competitive." says Dubbeldam.  "Gettting there is always the same story. You need to have a bit talent but also willing to work hard. Further you need a bit of intelligence. You need make good picks. You have to pick the right horse, the best people around you. Only a good rider, only a good horse, etc. is not good enough."