At the CSI3* Linz the judges didn't react. Now - 3 months later - the Austrian Welfare Organization has filed a complaint against Fuchs. Reiterrevue has contacted the FEI and Swiss Federation; "Only when we hold ourselves to a correct follow-up of these cases we can evolve to a nonviolent relationship between riders and horses."

It is to be asked why the organization only now reacts, 3 months after date, also how long and public archives of streaming services should be.

"It's a dime on its side. The archives of streaming services help us to proof cases," it sounds. "However archives can also be used to influence the public opinion of our sport without revealing the context."

Martin Fuchs reacts

Meanwhile Martin Fuchs has reacted. "My 8-year-old horse refused in the turn. As a reaction on the fact he was rearing and turning to the right at the same time I had the reflex to hit him with the whip. This to avoid the potential dangerous situation. After we continued the course without any pressure."

source: Reiterrevue