2015 saw Jonelle Price having to make the heartbreaking decision to say good bye to her four star partner The Deputy. He was known as Hero in the beginning (as he was by Cult Hero) but his character encapsulated that stable name over the years as he became renowned for his phenomenal cross country performances. He completed 5 out of his 6 four star starts which saw him blitz around Badminton, Rolex and most successfully Burghley where he finished in the top 10 twice. We know that it’s all about the heart in the best eventers, not just ability. Hero had the biggest heart which is probably why he loved Burghley more than any other event and always went his very best there. He had fought back from the mysterious head shaking problem that affected him a few years ago and he was fit and well and heading for Burghley again in September when a minor injury turned into a major problem that there was no coming back from. Hero was not just Jonelle’s top horse for so many years, he was her friend and everyone at Mere Farm loved and respected him. He was a big horse for a small girl but they had a unique partnership and despite Hero’s undeniably casual attitude to the coloured poles Jonelle always thought very highly of him.