Smiling from ear to ear Christian Kukuk said: "Honestly I am a really big fan of this show. To win in front of this incredible crowd here, the atmosphere is outstanding here. I came here with a good feeling, it is an unbelievable show with a beautiful arena, it truly is a pleasure to ride here. I knew the jump-off was going to be fast so I tried everything. I took all the risk to the last, I said to myself just go full speed and I kept galloping home."

Singing the praises of today’s eventual winner, second place getter Maikel Van Der Vlueten explained: "I must say Christian did a great jump off, he took all the risk - his horse is very quick over the ground, so is my horse Beauville Z N.O.P, but we just couldn’t catch him today, however, I must say, I am very pleased with my second place."

Standing on the podium for the second time in as many weeks, 26-year-old Gilles Thomas echoed the sentiments of those around the world about his 10-year-old stallion Ermitage Kalone. He said "It’s Ermitage’s first LGCT Grand Prix, it is also his first ever 1.60m 5* Grand Prix. I knew he could do a double clear, but to be on the podium is unbelievable."

He went on to add, "To be honest he really puts some pressure on us, because really everyone is looking at him, but he is so good that when we start to jump the pressure goes away. He jumps clear after clear, two clear rounds in the GCL this weekend and now again double clear"

source: Press Release