Two of the top favourites, Henrick von Eckermann and Peder Fredricson, were also in the jump-off so a Swedish victory seemed almost written in the stars. However, that was beyond Dutchman Lars Kersten. He rode perhaps the jump-off of his life with his 12-year-old Hallilea (by VDL Zirocco Blue). The duo was able to record a clear round in 35.44 seconds. At that time, world number one Von Eckermann had yet to compete so Kersten had to wait a bit fearfully. 

Von Eckermann did what he always does: go full for the win. His King Edward (by Edward) went through the course like a rocket but crossed the line after 35.72 seconds, just not enough to knock Kersten off the throne. Peder Fredricson and Catch Me Not S (by Cardent) also went clear. Their time of 35.99 seconds would earn them third place.

The top five was completed by Olivier Robbert (Iglesias DV) and Amanda Landeblad (For Killy).  

Click here for the results