Grand Prix winners of this weekend

Grand Prix winners of this weekend

We give you an overview of the Grand Prix's all over the world and their big winners. 

Grand Prix Lier 

  1. Charlotte Philippe and Cacharel de Amoranda Z
  2. Jodie Hall Mcateer and Salt'n Peppa
  3. Bernardo Cardosos De Resende Alves and Mosito Van het Hellehof

Grand Prix Fontainebleau 

  1. Lily Attwood and Cor-Leon V. Vlierbeek Z
  2. Olivier Perreau and GL Events Venizia D'Aiquilly
  3. Edward Levy and Uno De Cerisy

Grand Prix Hagen

  1. Janne F. Meyer-Zimmerman and Messi van't Ruytershof
  2. Oliver Lazarus and Butterfly Ennemmel
  3. Mario Stevens and Starissa

Grand Prix Oliva

  1. Jérôme Guery and Eras Ste Hermelle
  2. Kevin Gonzalez De Zarate Fernandez and Conthargos Rouge
  3. Antonio Matos Almeida and Calypso de Kamelia

Grand Prix Gorla Minore 

  1. Riccardo Pisani and Chaclot
  2. Paul Estermann and Fleur Sinaa-a
  3. Valentina Isoardi and Favinia

 Grand Prix Sentower Park

  1. Frank Schuttert and Gream
  2. Marlon Modolo Zanotelli and Napoleon van den Dael
  3. Tobias Meyer and Quintus-H