Nicola Philippaerts jumps to victory during GP2* qualifier in the Peelbergen

Nicola Philippaerts jumps to victory during GP2* qualifier in the Peelbergen

Nicola Philippaerts jumped to victory this afternoon in the Peelbergen during the 1m45 for the Grand Prix 2* qualifier. Together with Luna Van't Ruytershof Z (by Levisto Z), he rode a clear round in 43.13 seconds.

Leon Thijssen took second place with Faithless Mvdl (by Ukato) with 43.48 seconds. Ali Al Khorafi was third with Ewout K (by Wolfgang) with 45.75 seconds. Alberto Marquez Galobardes was able to take fourth place with Dry Corn (by Diarado) and Shane O'Meara was fifth.
