The World Cup of 2018 has been ridden and the Americans did an amazing job with three riders in the top four. The victory went to Beezie Madden and Breitling LS (f. Quintero). Madden was very happy with her victory: "It's always nice to win a championship and it is the second time I win the World Cup now. This makes it even more exciting. I think it's important for our sport for this championships to keep existing, it give the riders something to work for and the public something to look forward to. I'm very happy with Breitling. He was jumping his first championship here and he immediately won it. The road I made with Breitling went with ups and downs. I went to Jeroen Dubbeldam to try him and I did immediately thought he was special, he was 7 years old then. He was a good horse but he wasn't consistent at first. Only the last two years he really started performing good. Sometimes they say Breitling is an easy, quite horse and that's probably true. But I'm not getting any younger and a horse like him makes it more easy... (laughs)". Devin Ryan, who started from the third place today and in the end ended second, was very pleased as well: "Today I'm very proud to be American. Ending second efter Beezie isn't a shame. She's a living legend in our country and ending right behind her isn't a bad job. I'm very happy with my horse as wel. He is one of the youngest horses starting here but he always tries so hard. Hij is a very careful horse who already won a lot. He almost never hits a fence. My biggest goal for the upcoming season is to be selected on the shortlist for Tryon this year and of course to ride their, but I think making the list may have already happened today..." Everyone was very happy and very pleased, but with Von Eckermann there was also disappointment. He tells us he made the mistake today, not his horse: "I can't blame my horse, she did her best for me. The penalty I got was my own fault. I wanted to try to hard, I should have believed in the qualities of my horse. Maybe I would have preferred for Beezie to jump a clear because then I know I couldn't have won ever all. That I got that penalty was shit because otherwise I would have jumped a jump-off for the first place. My horse had it in her to win today, I just wasn't with her".