Julien Epaillard kept home the win, by finishing with Gracieux de Pachis (byTinka's Boy) in the jump-off with a time of 39.18.

Followed closely by Julien Gonin, in the saddle of  Valou du Lys (by Calvaro F.C.) who finish in 40.23. The top three giving each other a run for the money might be an understatement, knowing that  Dat de top drie aan elkaar  Daniel Bluman and Luidam-mare Gemma W finish in 40.38.

In fourth place comes Conor Swail and Count Me In, putting a time of 41.08 on the clock with the Count Grannus-son.

Harrie Smolders and Darry Lou (by Otangelo) finish in 41.25, closing the top five. 

Further in the ranking we find Steve Guerdat and Dynamix de Belheme (by Snaike de Blondel) on six, Nicolas Delmotte and Ilex VP (by Diamant de Semilly) in seventh place and Katherine A. Dinan with Dijon Terdoorn Z (by Diamant de Semilly) in eight place 

Francois Xavier Boudant with Brazyl du Mezel (by Haloubet de Gorze) are just before Christian Ahlmann in the ranking. Ahlmann and Solid Gold Z (by Stakkato Gold) close the top ten. 


Copyright photo: Sharon Schwing for Equnews