The influence of Zangersheide in France is growing. We noticed this on the basis of the results of the first group of Z-France horses in the sport, the registrations of the foals in France and the demand for the sperm of our stallions. To meet the growing demand for our stallions, we organised the first stallion selection and stallion presentation in Deauville earlier this year. An initiative that was much appreciated by the breeders in and around Normandy. But France is a big country and Zangersheide does not want to limit itself to Normandy alone. To also generate Blue/yellow blood in the south of France, Zangersheide will send one of its most popular sires to the beautiful region Rhône-Alpes next season. At the station of Frederic Neyrat (Beligneux le Haras) near Lyon, Chellano Alpha Z will perform his services side by side celebrated international veterans such as Tinka’s Boy and Goldfever. The move offers more chances for Chellano Alpha Z, because not only does he move to warmer climate, his strategic location also makes him easily accessible for breeders from Switzerland and Italy! Chellano Alpha Z is the eldest clone from Studfarm Zangersheide and he already produced two fantastic crops that demonstrate that the cloning process works and that they look like the foals of the original Chellano Z in all respects. This is what makes Chellano Alpha Z so interesting for breeding. Chellano Z himself has sired numerous international top-class horses such as Chill R Z (Charlie Jayne), HH Carlos Z (McLain Ward), Unex Chamberlain Z (Tim Gredley), Challenge van de Begijnakker (Ludo Philippaerts) and scores of other horses jumping at 1m50 and 1m60 level.