The first sale via a new auction website is a fact. The embryo of former World Champion Cumano and the Grand Prix showjumping mare Parabel (Animo) went for 16,000 euro to Jos Lansink who booked great successes with the famous grey stallion. “It was an emotional purchase”, Lansink admits. He is looking forward to the foal to be born in 2016 and bred by Ton Vullers from Embryo Animal Center. “I am not in the habit of buying foals and certainly no embryos. But this is not a normal story. I have a close tie with Cumano. He does not have a lot of offspring and is unlikely to get many more. The products he did produce are above average jumpers. If only for that reason it is an interesting gamble, especially since the dam was herself a top-sport mare.” It is not certain that Jos Lansink (54) will ride the horse himself in the future. “Maybe I will still be riding by that time, but I do not think I will still be doing that at top level. But surely there will be another suitable rider?”, he laughs. “Hopefully I will be lucky with this purchase!”