This week the International show jumping in Valence returns for its 2017-edition. On the list of riders are world no. one Kent Farrington, Canada's Eric Lamaze, Brazil's Pedro Veniss as well as Netherlands' Harrie Smolders. Germany's Christian Ahlmann and Marco Kutscher, Italy's Piergiorgo Bucci, Alberto Zorzi and Lorenzo de Luca are also all on the entry list while from Belgium comes Nicola Philippaerts, Gregory Wathelet, Jerome Guery, Jos Verloy and Constant Van Paeschen. Representing the hosts are Kevin Staut, Simon Delestre, Roger-Yves Bost, Philippe Rozier as well as Julien Epaillard to mention some of many top names. CSI5* list of riders: Belgium: Jérôme Guéry, François Mathy, Judy Ann Melchior, Nicola Philippaerts, Jos Verloy, Constant Van Paeschen, Grégory Wathelet, Philippe Lejeune Brazil: Yuri Mansur, Pedro Veniss Canada: Kara Chad, Eric Lamaze Columbia: Dayro Arroyave, Carlos Lopez, René Lopez France: Arnold Boisset, Roger-Yves Bost, Aldrick Cheronnet, Simon Delestre, Giulia Dellamano, Julien Epaillard, Laurent Guillet, Edward Levy, Margaux Roquet, Philippe Rozier, Kevin Staut Germany: Christian Ahlmann, Marco Kutscher Great-Britain: Ben Maher, Laura Renwick, John Whitaker Greece: Athina Onassis Ireland: Shane Breen, Michael Duffy Italy: Piergiorgo Bucci, Francesca Ciriesi, Lorenzo De Luca, Emanuele Gaudiano, Giulia Martinengos, Alberto Zorzi KSA: Dalma Malhas Morocco: Samy Colman Netherlands: Michel Hendrix, Harrie Smolders New-Zealand: Samantha Mcintosh Poland: Maximilian Wechta Switzerland: Janika Sprünger