Many people see animals as animals, and this means they see them as things that shouldn’t get any form of respect at all. While the campaign for animal rights has been on for a very long time, many people still do not seem to get it. One can authoritatively say that apart from the sacredness that God or nature assigned to human beings, some animals are actually more valuable than some humans. There are some dogs that have done greater things for the police and investigation departments of many countries than many people could ever achieve. There are some horses, bulls and some other animals that have made more fortunes for people than they could have gained from people around them. So, why then should people treat them as nothing? These would be the question reverberating around Dean Ivory's mind. Dean is one lucky owner of a very important horse named Lancelot Du Lac, and just last weekend, the amazing horse won the Stewards’ Cup at Goodwood for Dean. But Dean is an unhappy owner since his horse has been diagnosed with something prohibited. Metabolite of Tramadol was found in her system during her run at the Wolverhampton last year. Of course, this did not get into Woodall's system by chance. It was not taken by the animal purposefully, and was not given to it by Dean either. So, How Did She Get This Into Her System? After series of investigations, the result did show that the possible avenue through which the drug got into the horse's body is the Stable Boy. The boy is said to be urinating in the horse’s box while mucking out. After the investigation and its result, the British Horseracing Authority disciplinary went ahead to fine Dean £750 even though they attested to being impressed by how he has handled the issue. So, this has gotten the proud horse owner irked. Of course, who wouldn’t? Everybody will like to enjoy their Cheltenham Festival UK success without such stories. So, why won’t Dean be angry that his own sweet success story was thwarted by something that is not his doing? He stated that he is completely disappointed in the outcome of the investigation and the sanction. He also voiced his frustration and anger on the fact that a staff member could indulge in such an act. However, he went ahead to say that after discussing with the investigator, he realized that almost everybody is doing the same thing. He also said that it has become a regular occurrence at the races. He went ahead to make reference to a similar incident that took place in May, and one that happened in 2014, where David Ellsworth paid a fine of £1,000 for bedding contamination. he went ahead to say that when people as highly placed in the game as David Ellsworth are also involved in this, then it sends a bad message to the staff members.