Jeroen Dubbeldam became the first Dutch rider ever to win a golden medal during the Olympics of Syndey in 2000. Back in the days, he rode De Sjiem to the victory, leaving another Dutch rider, Albert Voorn, on second place.
At the beginning of the week, the OIC announced that the Olympics of Tokyo will be postponed to 2021 due to Corona. "Postponing the Olympics of course is the only right decision", Dubbeldam says. "Bad things is that because of that a lot of insecurities got me. I don't now what my situation is going to be in 2021. For some atletes postponing the Olympics will be a good thing, for the another atlete this can be a disaster. I honestly don't know what this means for me and my chances for winning a medal".
"I already told myself I'm only going to the Olympics if I have the chance of winning a medal, if not, I'd rather stay at home. I only recently got a very good horse in my stable which could jump to the podium in Tokyo. He only recently joined the stable, so an extra year of preparation may be welcome. I had an agreement with his owner to keep him until the Olympics of 2020, but I don't know if he can stay until 2021,..."
Source: RTV