The Corona outbreak started in Chines, around Chinese New Year. In this period, most of the Chinese people already have a holiday, so riding schools were less crowed then usual. When the outbreak started, riding schools were obviously closed. Martine Wijkhuizen, who is the CEO of a riding school in Shanghai, tells that lessons are again being held, but only under strikt rules: "At first only private lessons could take place, but now, three weeks later, anyone can come to the stable again. Everyone has to ware a mouth mask and their temperature is taken before entering the riding school". 

The biggest advantage of the Chinese people is that they are very disciplined and very afraid of diseases: "A lot of Chinese people always wear a mouth mask when leaving their house, it's almost a natural thing for them. The 1,5 m rule doesn't exist here and everyone is getting better after all. Actually it is amazing to see how fast normal life is building up again". 
