The Mexican riders completed the class with only one penalty point in the closing class of the third day of the CSIO Barcelona. The team was formed by Nicolás Pizarro ("Oak Grove's Enkidu"), Andrés Azcárraga ("Contendros 2"), Fernando Martínez Sommer ("High Five") and Manuel González Dufrane ("Hortensia Van de Leeuwerk"). The last two finished the course designed by Santiago Varela without any penalties.

The team was completed by Carlos Hank Guerreiro as substitute rider and Mark Laskin as Chef d'Equipe. In addition, Manuel González Dufrane won 50,000 euros prize money as he completed Thursday's qualifying round and tonight's Challenge Cup without penalties.

Second place went to the Swedish team with four points, followed by Brazil, with seven, Argentina, with eight, and Norway, with ten.

Full Results