It was an exciting weekend with two world cup qualifiers. One in Toronto, Canada and one in Verona, Italy. The North America league is currently led by USA's Kent Farrington. Farrington has big advantage on runner-up Audrey Coulter with a difference of 27 points, scoring a total of 72 points. Coulter collected most of her points in the West-Coast league, while Farrington topped almost all qualifiers on the East-Coast. The current third place is claimed by the Toronot world cup victor, Ward McLain with 44 points. The top five is completed by Laura Kraut and Lauren Tisbo. CLICK HERE FOR THE RANKING After Abdel Saïd took an underdog victory in Verona it is Romain Duguet who leads the Western European League with 37 points. Simon Delestre took the runner-up position in Verona, is also second in the ranking with 31 points. Belgium colours the third spot thanks to Pieter Devos. Devos took a strong world cup start and has currently as equal points as Kevin Staut. However through better rankings Devos advances on Staut with both a total of 28 points. USA's Lauren Hough is currently on the fifth place.   CLICK HERE FOR THE RANKING