US Equestrian is pleased to announce the opening of the U.S. Center for SafeSport, the first national nonprofit solely dedicated to preserving the safety and well-being of athletes. Its purpose is to enable every sport participant to thrive by fostering a national sport culture of respect and safety, in and out of the competition field of play. The Center has adopted a SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement that applies to its 47-member National Governing Bodies, including US Equestrian. The SafeSport Code defines prohibited conduct, which includes sexual misconduct. It also imposes a mandatory duty to report to the Center any sexual conduct prohibited by the SafeSport Code. This mandatory duty to report is imposed on all US Equestrian members and participants. The Center will exclusively investigate and resolve alleged sexual misconduct reports it receives. The Center will also provide education and prevention resources related to sexual misconduct as well as other forms of misconduct including emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, bullying, hazing, and harassment. As it relates to reports of sexual misconduct, the Center has exclusive jurisdiction over “Covered Individuals,” which includes any person within the disciplinary authority of US Equestrian’s 29 breeds and disciplines. This extends to all members, competition participants, and anyone who US Equestrian authorizes, approves, or appoints to a position of authority over athletes or who has frequent contact with athletes. For more information about the US Center for Safesport, visit or