Doha hosts a CSI5* show jumping competition as well as a CDI5* dressage competition this weekend. Just now the Grand Prix was ridden and the German riders dominated. The win went to Jessica von Bredow-Werndl. In the saddle of Zaire-E (by Son de Niro) she left all the competition far behind. She was named the winner by three of the five judges, resulting in an overall score of 76.957%.
Dorothee Schneider followed in second place. She rode Faustus 94 (by Falsterbo 11) to a total of 75.913%. Henri Ruoste and Kontestro DB (by Contendro I) completed the podium. Their Grand Prix was rewarded by the judges with a total of 74.500%.
Morgan Barbançon (Sir Ddonnerhall II OLD) and Nicolas Wagner Ehlinger (Quater Back Junior FRH) completed the top five.