Italian rider Piergiorgio Bucci takes home the win in the main class of today.
Bucci's Naiade d'Elsendam Z (Nabab de Reve) jumped clear in 36,25 seconds and leaves all competition behind. Irishman Michael Pender and Hhs Javas Gucci (Luidam) end in second place with 36,39 seconds. Chloe Aston takes home the bronze with Flavie van de Helle (Carlow vd Helle) and 36,49 seconds.
French riders Juliette Faligot and Gregory Cottard complete the top five. Faligot and Arqana de Riverland (Cornet Obolensky) end in fourth place, Cottard's Bibici (Norman Pre Noir) jumps into fifth place.