After beautiful sunny two days with 56 dressage tests at the FEI World Championship Driving Four-in-Hand in Breda, Boyd Exell is in the lead with 33.15 points. The Dutch dream team existing of IJsbrand Chardon, Koos de Ronde and Theo Timmerman performed well and with IJsbrand on 2nd, Koos on 4th and Theo on 5th position they lead the team standings after dressage. After a great test yesterday by IJsbrand Chardon the reigning World Champion Boyd Exell knew quite well what to deliver today and he did. Also the US rider Chester Weber presented a lovely test and placed himself in the top 3. With Koos de Ronde at the 4th position and Theo Timmermans 5th on the leaderboard the Dutch team is in a good position. However, Chester Weber teammate Allison Stroud yesterday also delivered a great test which makes the Dutch have to be aware the nextcoming days for the American team. Also for the individual medals the competition is still open.  The differences in the top of the leaderboard are quite small, so everything can happen. Tomorrow the riders will perform in the marathon course existing of both technical and speed obstacles.