Mark your calendars today to help support the U.S. Pony Team! Saturday, February 28, and Sunday March 1, 2015, Katie Whaley and Jennifer Matheson, in conjunction with the United States Equestrian Team Foundation, will be hosting a special fundraiser at the Grand Oaks Resort in Weirsdale, Florida. This exciting event will help raise funds for pony drivers representing the USA at the 2015 Pony World Championships September 2-6, 2015, in The Netherlands. “This is an important year for pony drivers, and we need to be able to send the best team possible,” noted Matheson. “Our goal is to raise awareness of the needs of our sport in order for it to continue at the top levels.” said Whaley On Saturday, February 28, there will be a fun hoedown for guests, which will include a silent auction as well as team auction tied into Sunday’s Driving Derby. The main event will be held on Sunday, March 1, when drivers will participate in the Driving Derby competition. This is a new form of competition that was recently recognized by the American Driving Society. Whaley added, “We also want to be inclusive in our fundraising efforts, so all levels of drivers are invited to compete in the Driving Derby.” The derby competition will feature two levels for drivers: Training (no cantering) and Preliminary (open to all above training level). The entry fee of $50 is a tax deductible donation to the USET Foundation, earmarked Pony Driving.  Four-in-hand pony driver Boots Wright and driving event organizer Ellen Ettenger will be donating their time to officiate at this event.  The Grand Oaks Resort is donating the use of their facility, and Nupafeed USA will be sponsoring all of the obstacles for the event.