The device, developed in collaboration with external experts, is a simple pass-through tool that is inserted under the noseband and drawn through from top to bottom. A quick and easy test determines whether the noseband is loose enough. If the device can pass through easily, the noseband is considered acceptable. However, if the device cannot pass through, the noseband is deemed too tight, and penalties will apply as outlined in Article 1044.8 of the FEI Veterinary Regulations.

Effective January 1, 2025, the following rules will be in place:

  • All nosebands, both upper and lower, must be adjusted to allow sufficient laxity, as measured by the FEI-approved device.
  • Excessively tightened nosebands will result in penalties, including disqualification from the competition and a yellow warning card for the athlete.
  • Detailed protocols for measuring noseband tightness will be provided for each discipline.

The FEI Measuring Device will be gradually introduced at FEI events in the first quarter of 2025. It will be available for purchase by the public, and further information regarding availability will be provided at a later date. Additionally, educational materials and protocols will be made available to FEI officials, athletes, and their support staff.