The fourteen years old stallion out of Darco has some impressive results on his victory list under the saddle of Wathelet but will from now on be shown by another rider. It's not yet known who that might be.

"It is with a sense of accomplishment but above all with a feeling of sadness that we part with our Iron Man van de Padenborre", Wathelet begins his post. "After 8 years in our stables, you will obviously leave a great void. You have given us great moments of sport, punctuated by a remarkable year 2022 and even more recently by this magnificent victory in the final in Barcelona with the team."

Wathelet is already hopeful for the future with the offsprings of Iron Man that remain in his stable. "You will leave traces in our stable with your descendants who, I hope, will follow your path."

"I hope you will give a lot of happiness to your new owner. Have a good trip" are his final words.

Wathelet recently started the son out of Darco during the Nations Cup final in Barcelona. Last month, the pair also showed in Brussels and Rome. Together with the Belgian Rider, the BWP stallion jumped to seven international victories in the past eight years. The CSI5* Saut Hèrmes in Paris and the LGCT London show are one of the many shows where the pair outjumped their competition.

Source: Facebook Gregory Wathelet