You got into the Jump-Off; "woop woop", the joy. But that also means you will have to beat that fast time of the other rider. How can you best ride that jump-off? What is the key for succes? We talked to some riders that made the Longines Top 100, let's see what they advice: 1. Learn from your rivals. Most of the time it isn't possible to walk the Jump-Off course. Still it will come -in handy to know what is possible and what isn't. Time to have a look how your rivals solve the case. Have a look what fences were removed, which new lines open for reducing strides, or taking shorter turns. Have a look at new potentials .... if you're still insecure about the possible; just try to walk the 'soft' spots in the course before you start. On the horse that is! 2. reduce the strides. Don't try to speed your horse, the faster you canter the flatter they will jump. Instead just try to reduce the amount of strides. If you can make that turn in 4 strides instead of 5 or six, then go for it. This might make the difference in the end. But be aware control is sometimes better than speed... you just have to know your horse! 3. Focus on the next fence. Make sure to focus on the next fence. When you focus on the next fence you will be able to ride fence after fence in one flowing movement. This will allow you to gain some seconds and thus a better chance in winning that round. 4. See the potentials of jumping at an angle or tight turns. Is is key to be able to approach and jump the fence on the angle. It is easy to train this technique at home. It will save you time and might get you to that blue ribbon. Even better is it when you're able to make some tight turns along the way. Train this at home before and after the fence, both will be useful in the course. 5. Be realistic. Ask yourself if it is worth to take that one risk... It will depend on the class or competition you're riding in, the horse you're riding, etc. Sometimes it is just not worth the risk and better to work towards the future or other events.