People are often judgmental about having a tattoo. It is true they damage the skin and are there 'for ever'. But sometimes you just need to put one to express your love, feelings, or... Because, let's face it. Anyone can say the love horses. It is very easy, put to put a tattoo of them is really expressing the love. We went browsing on the internet (thanks to our friend google) and collected the best horse tattoos we could find...
Admitted we didn't look for the obvious ones, but rather went looking for the special ones with an artistic 'touch'....
This lady just got to love the Dalahäst from Sweden. Although she changed the red colors she probably expressed her patriotism, or just the fact she loves those horses....
Keep it simple is what she mus have thought... She definitely loves wild horses, running around and the tattoo-artist didn't do a bad job either!
Well this is artistic, just put some random lines and spots on your back and ... BAM you got yourself a horse, this could be the new poster for the next Year of the Horse... ;)
Another subtle tattoo.. This definitely must be a show jumper ... “HEELS UP!” screams George Morris.
Talk about a lot of inkt! But we have to admit, these artistic horses are a masterpiece.
Just a nice 'pastel'-tattoo of a horse... The skills, fading colors and just simplicity draws our attention.... just love it!
This must be a tattoo on a Horse/Flower lover?? ;) No, it is a nice horse... and we can't discuss about taste, can we ? ;)
This horse is not only a skilled unicyclist, it’s also a gentleman, as evidenced by the suspended top hat. I’m not quite sure what part of the body we’re looking at, but I am sure that I don’t really want to know.