It seems to be a new rage on facebook and YouTube... a shetland pony that dances on the beats of music. The original 'music'-video
(view here) is already one of the most viewed video's on different social media. A good point according to our editors which believe in promoting the equestrian sports trough this kind of media.
However the inventor of this new rage is going a bit further. Let us introduce You to the 'ponymixer' under the motto "Silly Stuff, it matters". Invented in Great-Britain by three it is now possible to pimp your own pony and let it dance on the beats of punk, hiphop, bollywood, rock or other kinds of music. Even more You can easily share it on the main important social media such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.
If the pimp is to mainstream ... well just add some nice accessories such as fire works, boats, wicks or other silly stuff! Our opinion You just have to mix that pony and let it dance!!
Here (http://www.youtube.com/user/three/theponymixer) You can mix 'that' pony - so have fun!
source: equnews.be