You could have it posted on Your Facebook wall today; Eventing rider Merel Blom asked everyone to share her status, why? The Dutch eventing star was stuck in traffic for more than 26 hours, with her horses in the lorry. Everybody could read the next words: "Pls share! If someone has information or can help, we are stuck with 4 horses on the A1 (Estreés Denicourt,exit D1029), for over 30 hours now. The horses are traveling back from Portugal and have been on the lorry almost non stop since Sunday evening.... Horses are very tired, cold and hungry. Need help or at least some information how long this is going to take."
Blom was on her way back from a CCI-competition in Barroca d'Alva but was, just like many other drivers, surprised by the sudden snow-storm. The biggest concern of Blom were the horses. "The food and water were finished this morning, so I needed to be inventive. I melted some snow, at least then the horses could drink sufficient. An other problem were the temperatures of about -6°c," states Blom. But lucky for the horses and the Dutch rider this morning around 10 o'clock people came to help. The horses were being walked by hand in the middle of the traffic-jam while other people, living in the neighborhood, passed by to bring some hay. At this moment the traffic is slowly restoring.
Source: Equnews.com
photo: Equpics.com