It is a basic show jumping principle, it sounds very easy, but reality shows us different - every single time. Jumping the fence in a straight line. We ahve it often, your horse jumps the fence in an angle or falls left or right when you land the jump. Although it is basic most riders may need some help training on this.... that is why we share some advice ; When training on this problem the aim is to focus on riding straight lines. You start the excercises with one jump and can work towards simpel lines or multiple combinations. This allows you to change your training, and keep it 'light' for your horse. Here is a simpel exercise; - place two simpel verticals on a distance of 5 pases from each other. - first make it little jumps (limit the height). It will allow you to focus on the fence and help you to ride in a straight line. - you can put a simpel V shape on the fence (made by two rails) to keep the horse in the middle. - your only focus is to jump in one straight line. - if you find it very difficult, help your horse and yourself by lining out the line (e.g. put groundpoles on the ground, or edge the line). - eventually you just want to work on ground rails, no more jumps. Important is to realize you focus on riding a straight line. You don't emphasize the distance or the number of passes. It doesn't matter if you jump five or six strides in between! This simpel excercise will help you and your horse to put a constant rhitm and movement in your course.