At the international dressage Nations Cup in Hagen (CDIO), it was Matthias Alexander Rath and the 8 -year -old Danönchen (by Danone I) who claimed the first win. In the Prix St. Georges, Rath scored the best for all judges. Good for a result of 76.079%. British Laura Tomlinson and Duval's Capri Sonne Jr. (by Rhodium) followed in a second place with a score of 74.684%. Riding for the hosting country, Anabel Balkenhol and Heuberger TSF (by Imperio) completed the stage. The pair collected a total of 73.789%. Lucky for the riders in Hagen it stayed dry. The weather was perfect to ride in, not like Falsterbo, Sweden. The top five was completed by Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Blue Horse Bentley (71.395%), followed by Dutch Petra van Esch with Fido Dido 3 (by Florencio). Best USA rider was Charltte Jorst with Kastel's Adventure (by Special D). The pair collected 69.5%, ending in a 8th position. Susan Pape and Harmony's Don Noblesse (by Dancier) did a better job with 70.579%, finishing 7th.