Yazmin Pinchen, who at only 22, is the youngest rider to ever have represented the UK on a Nations Cup team has worked with jewellery designer Diane Faulks of The Burnished Horse, to produce these stunning pieces for JustWorld International of which she is an ambassador. The charity is devoted to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding local partners around the world helping children thrive. JustWorld International acts as a catalyst for positive change in the developing world. They work with local partner organisations to provide basic education, nutrition, health, hygiene, and vocational programs for children in impoverished communities in Honduras, Cambodia and Guatemala. rsz_yazmin_pinchen_london_2012_bracelet_emailerThese unique bracelets are simple and elegant. Each one features the four very famous horse tail hairs interwoven with gold thread on the outer edges. A small gold tag with ‘2012’ which represents the year Great Britain won Olympic gold, together with the bracelet’s number (1-5) will be sold in a high-profile auction through ‘eBay for Charity’ and all profits will be donated to JustWorld International. It may be a bit early to be thinking of Christmas right now but make a note and join Yazmin in her quest to raise money for this worthwhile charity. You will make someone’s Christmas by buying them one of the most individual pieces of London 2012 equestrian memorabilia. The “London 2012” bracelets will be available to bid for from 1st – 31st December 2015 on the special charity pages of Ebay.