Valentina Truppa has finally made her comeback in the international arena. On September 24th she and Fixdesign Eremo del Categno returned after being out since June this year. “It was almost as for a six year-old kid to compete on the first show with parents and friends all around”, joked Valentina Truppa with a smile, “It was since Munich’s show in May that I was away from the competition with Fixdesign Eremo del Castegno and all was just fine, to compete here is perfect before starting the World Cup, I will be in Kaposvar in October then Lyon.” When asked about being here in Arezzo where she had a bad accident falling from a young horse in early June she remarked: “I have really no memories of what happened and I am happy not to recall it at all!” After the first day of competition for the technical championship composed by Grand Prix and GP Special everything was pointing as expected toward another gold for Valentina Truppa but some drama emerged when the following day, after the morning training session with Eremo, the Italian top rider noted something was wrong, the horse suffered a small injury on his right front leg. Valentina decided not to take any chance as horse health is paramount so immediately withdrew from the competition but anyhow that did not take her far away from the spotlight as her pupils were at that point filling the steps of the podium. Luckily Fixdesign Eremo del Castegno is already almost fully recovered from the small injury, propably occured while stabled or in training and within a couple of day should be back at work with Valentina that is going to campaign in the Reem Acra FEI World Cup beginning to climb in the Olympic ranking list and try to grab a spot for Rio Olympics.