tumblr_m8q0i4IQiy1r8lgf4o1_1280Charlotte Dujardin has decided to Withdrawn her 12-year-old Uthopia from the CDI3* event in Addington, as a precaution against the outbreak of the equine herpes virus EHV-1. On her twitter-page Charlotte states that the environment is not safe for her to travel with her precious Métall-son to the English Addington. Carl Hester, a part owner of the stallion said on his Facebook-page : "Sorry folks but we have withdrawn Uthopia. Due to various outbreaks we have decided to be safe and think of the rest of the season." At March 15 a horse was diagnosed with the neurologic EHV-1 disease at the Beaufort Hunt premises. Since then already thirty-three horses have been evacuated from the stables while no other horses will be allowed to enter the site nor going out. © equnews.com