Last year the national anthem was played for Fiontini, the daughter of Fassbinder that was followed in the rankings by her full sister Fiontina. Once again, Severo Jurado Lopez steered the quick mare to the highest score in the qualification round for the six-year-olds. With a 9.5 for the canter, a 9.2 for the trot and an 8.9 for the walk she once more showed her qualities in the basis gaits. She danced through the main arena at the National Equestrian Centre in Ermelo, where the judges rewarded her with an 8.5 for submission and a 9 for perspective. No one was within reach of the 90.20%. A very happy Severo commented: “I think we have a good chance of winning on Sunday!”. Kirsten Brouwer presented the chestnut stallion Five Star, a son of Amazing Star, and the pair received lovely score as well: 87% was the average of last year’s number 6. The top three was completed by Sir Olli (s.Sir Donnerhall) and Ann-Christin Wienkamp, that followed Five Star closely with a score of 86.80%. The stallion received a 9 for his canter. Chairman of the judges Maria Colliander said to be happy with the collection of 6-year-olds that placed themselves directly for the final. “The quality was good overall. The 12 best horses have all scored over 80% and I think that is a good standard. Some interesting horses were quite tense and this lowered their scores a bit, so I hope they can improve this in the final.” “Five Star we liked especially for his consistent quality and performance, he received good remarks for every aspect. Besides, Kirsten Brouwer presented him in a good frame. In our eyes, the winner Fiontini is a real athlete. Perhaps she was slightly reacting to the surroundings and we thought to see that particularly in her trot. The mare was much more relaxed in her canter and of course her trot was good, but we think she could do better in her trot and hopefully she will show that on Sunday.”