The FEI Board took note of the withdrawal by the Czech Equestrian Federation of its support for the FEI Jumping European Championships for Children and Juniors 2025, scheduled to take place in Zduchovice (CZE) on 14 – 20 July. Consequently, the Board approved the withdrawal of the Championships from Zduchovice. Further information on the re-allocation of these Championships will follow in due course. A key change is the incorporation of the principle whereby the FEI Board would have the right to assign “Preferred Bidder” Status to an Organiser for future FEI Championships. The preferred bidder model is similar to the “targeted discussions” model adopted by the IOC and is becoming more common in bidding processes run by International Federations.

President’s Succession Working Group 

Following up on the Board’s decision taken in June 2023 to define the role of the future FEI President, a President’s Succession Working Group had been created.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

The Board approved a new template for MoU Stakeholders. Key updates include new provisions regarding FEI Equine Welfare Strategy, good governance, Grooms Charter, rules revision and MoU Term. The new template will apply to the new MoU Stakeholders as well as to existing MoUs, when renewed.

FEI Jumping Committee

Monica Gómez Su (MEX) was appointed as a member of the FEI Jumping Committee for the four-year term 2024-2028.

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