Roger-Yves Bost, or 'Bosty' for the friends, proved yet again he is one of the unbeatable unbeatable riders. At the Saut Hermès in Paris he and his Clinten-Belgian Warmbred horse Forbes Vivaldo vh Costersveld took the lead on the runner-up Pénélope Leprevost and Nayana (s. Royal Feu). The victory of this 1m50 competition was good for a cheque of over 7.750 Euros.
The stage was completed by the Swiss show jumper Pius Schwizer who earlier today already got places in the top five. Eventually it were Marcus Ehning (Plot Blue, s. Mr. Blue) and Janika Sprunger (JL's Komparse, s. Kolibri) who ended in a fourth and fifth place.
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